I Hate You Endo!

Posted Posted by Lady Bug in , Comments 4 comments

Just when I was about to blow the good news of my period being finally late, there goes Aunt Flow's (AF's) treacherous attack and spoiled all the fun!

I thought I will finally get to miss the agony of her visit.  I was under the impression that one will get to stop having their periods while on Lupron.  But I guess I was wrong. I've expected much.  I became thrilled with the thought of finally being spared from the pain.  I am so wrong!

It was late Thursday afternoon when I've started cramping.  Though part of me says that AF will be striking any minute, I was in denial and really hoped that, this time, she will never get to show her ugly face.

Well, what do you know? My instincts were right!

It was only after a few hours when she hit me.  Only this time, she stroke back full of vengeance.  I was cramping and bleeding really bad.  So bad that I almost can't get myself out of bed.  I was crying so hard that Sir Bug almost fell down to his knees not knowing what to do and how to ease my pain.  I feel so guilty seeing him so helpless.  Yet, I am in great pain that I cannot stop myself from crying...

I kept on praying to God that He ease all my pain and permanently take it away so that I don't have to through it anymore.  The pains that I've had after the surgery were more bearable than this one.  This was definitely one of the worst period I ever had. Oh Endo, how I hate you!


Emily @ablanket2keep said...

I'm so sorry honey. I hope the pain goes away soon.

EndoJoanna said...

I am so sorry lady. :( I hope it eases soon for you and that next month you won't get the dreaded visit. xx

Jess said...

Thinking of you!! :-) Hope all is well!

Jess said...

You are still MIA! I really hope you come back soon! <3

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